Pharamaceuticals Consulting & Outsourcing



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Dear candidate,

You took the first step, you sent us your CV. Now we begin to implement the recruitment process for the selected position for the pharmaceutical company.

Those who carry out the recruitment process approach this task responsibly with full respect for each Candidate.

Good luck

Stage I

We analyze the submitted CV for the formal requirements of the company (e.g. education, sales experience, experience in a given position, MS Office support, driver’s license, place of residence or readiness to relocate)

We choose the CV that meets the most criteria required by your pharmaceutical company

The most common expectations of a pharmaceutical company for a candidate for the position of MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE:

  • tertiary education
  • experience as a Medical Representative in a pharmaceutical company (welcome)
  • sales experience
  • availability and ability to work independently
  • result orientation, commitment and diligence
  • ability to build lasting partnerships based on substantive knowledge
  • communication skills and ease of establishing business relationships
  • driver’s license category B and readiness for mobile work

Stage II

We contact selected candidates to make an appointment for a phone call verifying the information provided in the CV.

The phone call usually takes about 20 minutes. During the interview, we ask about the information contained in the CV, we ask about the current situation related to work (notice period, etc.). We also ask questions about your motivation to work in the job you are applying for. We ask about financial expectations.

During this contact, we also talk about various professional experiences that can show your key competences (communication, ability to build relationships with others, attitude towards the client, coping with stress, orientation to action, managing your time at work). We do not carry out „sales scenes” at this stage.

Stage III

A phone call with a representative of a particular pharmaceutical company, most likely with your, if any, direct supervisor.

Stage IV

Another meeting (direct or online conversation) with the Sales Director or the President of the pharmaceutical company you are applying for.

Candidates who have already been accepted by the Regional Sales Manager are usually invited to this stage of the recruitment process. Often it is a conversation with only one (sometimes with two) already recruited candidates.

During this interview you will be informed in what form you will receive information about the outcome of the recruitment process.

Interested in our offer?

Contact us. Find out how we can support your business!

Together we can do more.


