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RADFARM specializes in comprehensive services for pharmaceutical and medical companies in the field of full outsourcing, i.e. recruitment, employment and training of employees. Performs market and marketing analyses. Prepares, organizes and conducts substantive trainings improving sales skills.
Radfarm conducts and oversees the processes of drug registration and notifying of medical devices. It helps and facilitates companies’ entry into the pharmaceutical market. Radfarm also connects Partners looking for new solutions and products.
RADFARM’s guiding principle is:
„Free from routine activities” all those who are responsible for projects, sales, marketing, drug registrations and the fate of the organizations they run.
RADFARM guarantees:
Open communication
Constant contact with Customers
Instant response to customer’s needs
Flexibility and sincerity
What distinguishes Radfarm:
- 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and medical market
- More than 150 completed Projects for more than 50 companies
- Targeted recruitment process matching the candidate’s competence to the client’s needs
- Modern, effective recruitment while preserving the culture of human relationships
- More than 7 000 recruited and employed Representatives
- Experience in the sale of Rx drugs (innovative and generics)
- Practice in the sale of OTC, FS, cosmetics and medical devices
- Instant and flexible response to customer’s wishes
- Business maturity and cost awareness
- Efficient team of committed employees
- Knowledge, experience, responsibility
Interested in our offer?
Contact us. Find out how we can support your business!
Together we can do more.