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The essence of a marketing strategy, including product strategy, is to gain a competitive advantage. The actual strategy is a result between what has been planned and what has emerged in the course of implementation. Brands, products and services, like people, are born, conquer the market, live and die. It is important not only what we offer, but how do we introduce the effect of our work to the consciousness of customers.
Many traders are wondering how to adapt their actions to the market situation?
How to build a bridge between the needs of direct and indirect customers and the capabilities of the company?
An example is a candle, which is a completely outdated and unusable product in times of electricity but when redefined acquires invigorated value. The customer buys the effect/benefit, not the product. A good idea and its skillful implementation are nowadays an
invaluable value.
Launch, relaunch/refresh products, services. Sounds like dictionary?
We will choose the right tools to turn your customers’ needs into profits for your company.
RADFARM’s offer includes:
• Pharmaceutical market analysis in the indicated therapeutic classes
• Preparation of marketing plans
• Preparation of cost plans
• Preparation of scientific, promotional and informational materials (folders, brochures, leaflets, etc.)
• Production of film, information, promotional, advertising or training materials.
• All our projects are developed and created with the participation of the best professionals, including graphic designers and manufacturers with extensive, many years of experience working in the pharmaceutical and medical industry.
Interested in our offer?
Contact us. Find out how we can support your business!
Together we can do more.